. Operations . Leadership . Heart . Smart . Future

. Operations . Leadership . Heart . Smart . Future

Energy Sources

At Uplift Consulting we have our in-house 5 box model to recognize energy sources and flow.

Operations | Heart | Smart | Future | Leadership

Once we have understood your opportunities for growth, we will agree with you the best suite of workshops, online classes, or coaching input. These could be single events or longer term programmes. Below are examples of courses we have run for valued clients, to give you a feel of what we can do.

    • 1 time event, 1-3 days

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 8

    • Outcome - to identify the organisational purpose, identity and 3 trademark culture behaviours

    • 1-time event, 1-3 days

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 8

    • Outcome - to create a value-based performance dashboard

    • 1-time event, 2 hours

    • Online, recommended group size up to 16

    • Outcome - to establish a code of ethics that energy lift (not dampen)

    • 1-time event, 1-3 days

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - to educate on the importance of organisational curiosity and to establish ways to help innovation survive.

    • 1-time event, 1-2 days

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 10

    • Outcome - to construct a shared identity for your organisation, and a strategy to move forward and be at it’s best

Operations performance is powered by energy generating goals that your team feel make a difference.

Interventions we offer include:

Human (heart) energy is stoked up by creating connection, relationships, and a spirit of community.

Interventions we offer include:

    • 1-time event, 1 day (with optional follow up sessions)

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - To teach the techniques of maintaining healthy relationships, including how to have authentic (difficult) conversations

    • 1-time event, 1-2 day retreat with outdoor experiential activities

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 10

    • Outcome - To provide experiences that meaningfully bond and connect a team at a heart level

    • 1-time event, 1-3 days

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - To teach how to inspire, motivate and engage teams into action

    • 1-time event, 1 day

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - To help individuals understand where their fear comes from, to process it, and find their courage to replace it.

    • 1-time event, 1 day

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - To help individuals understand where their sense of low worth comes from, to process it and find sources of love and meaning in life to replace it

    • 1-time event, 1 day

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - To help individuals identify their personal values and where they come from in life

    • 1-time event, 1 day

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - To provide understanding of trauma response, PTSD and complex PTSD

Smart Energy is optimised when leaders and teams have expertise, clear systems of work and access to resources to carry out the organisational purpose with confidence.

Interventions we offer include:

    • 1-time event, 1-3 days (with optional follow up sessions)

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - To engage wit Kaizen Culture and teach the techniques of lean thinking and front-led continuous improvements

    • 1-time event, 3/4 day

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - Introduce to teams the Golden Rules of high-performance teams and techniques of team organisations

    • 1-time event, 1 day

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - To introduce a session which explores how time, money and reputation are wasted, diverting energy from performance

    • 1-time event, 1 day (with optional follow up sessions)

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - Discover techniques for high performance team leadership. Gain clarity around the aspirational identity for the team and establish improved of working

Leadership drives performance through shifting away from energy-draining cultural norms and fostering energizing, value-driven behaviours.

Interventions we offer include:

    • 1-time event, 2 days (optional annual review cycle with 121 coaching follow ups)

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - To grow the leadership character of an organization, creating an effective, healthy culture

    • 1-time event, 2 days

    • Face to face, single team up to 12

    • Outcome - To grow the character of team, creating an effective healthy culture charter

    • 1-time event, 1 day

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - To teach the techniques of effective heart-led coaching

    • 1-time event

    • Online, recommended group size up to 16

    • Outcome - To provide understanding of culture types

    • 1-time event, 1 day

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - To teach the techniques of maintaining healthy relationships, including having authentic conversations

    • 1-time event, 1 day or 2×1/2 days

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcome - To train and practice leadership storytelling that converts values into action

    • 1, 3, 6 or annual coaching packages (2 hours (1st session), 90 mins follow up sessions

    • Online, 1-2-1

    • Outcome - to enable self-awareness and support personal growth plans

    • 1-time event 2 × 2hr sessions

    • Online, recommended group size up to 16

    • Outcome - to build heartfelt engagement around diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging

Future Energy is optimised when leaders and teams are tuned into the wider world and take responsibility for the improvements needed.
Interventions we offer include:

    • 1-time event, 1-3 days

    • Face to Face, recommended group size up to 8

    • Outcome - To provide focus for the team in terms of mission, vision, purpose statement, performance dashboard, values, identity. To establish strategy versus ops plans

    • 1-time event, 2 hours

    • Online, recommended group size up to 16

    • Outcome - to explain the neuroscience of change and identify interventions that reduce resistance

    • 1-2 day event

    • Face to face, recommended group size up to 12

    • Outcomes - discover change resistance & resilience in your ecosystem. Identify what future trends are shaping your intended changes? What needs to be different? Understand the key areas of focus.

    • 1-time event, 1-2 days (with optional follow up sessions)

    • Face to face or virtual, recommended group size 4-16

    • Outcome: Cultivate interpersonal awareness and skills that transition from reactive to responsive behaviours during high-pressure events, resulting in calm, caring and courageous crisis management