Lifting Team Performance
Welcome to Uplift Consulting.
All teams want to perform at their best.
We can help them get there.
5 Agreements
High performing teams are resolute in 5 agreements:
Vision, Alignment, Culture, Debate, and Connection.
Together we can identify where your teams are at, your
development priorities, and how to lift your performance.
A common sense of direction towards a compelling future matters.
Do you have a common understanding of the team’s priorities?
Can team members articulate them?
Do team members feel ownership of the vision?
Is your vision built into quarterly / annual targets?
Who does what, how do we do it, and the ways in which we collaborate is critical to success.
If team members wrote down each others roles and responsibilities, would they be aligned?
Are team members accountable for their deliverables?
Are team members able to identify potential issues or synergies across functions and the wider system of stakeholders?
Guiding principles and values help us to manage and encourage effective behaviours.
Can you describe the team culture?
Does it enable openness and honesty? Resilience? Initiative?
Do behaviours under pressure align to what you are trying to achieve?
Do you coach team members to develop professionally and personally?
When navigated constructively, disagreement can promote clarity and creativity.
Are team members encouraged to keep addressing issues until they’re resolved?
Is healthy disagreement welcome?
Is safety in disagreement role modelled by leadership?
Relationships matter. Trust and mutual understanding is pivotal to team life.
Does the team spend dedicated relational time with each other?
Does your team take a genuine interest in one another as individuals?
Do you celebrate and harness difference to get the best out of your team members?
Do you quickly and effectively draw new starters into team life?
Around 10% of teams make it to high performance. We want to help your teams get there.
The daily experience of work is deeply shaped by a team. Refreshing this experience creates a substantial impact on organisational resilience and wellbeing, the driving force of sustained success.
For you, we can deliver
Programmes and support that will strengthen the 5 agreements in your teams.
Self Directed Resources
A suite of workshop plans, focused on the 5 agreements, designed for your teams to work through.
5+1 Team Leadership Online Course. To be undertaken at your own pace. This course acts like a license to team leadership, providing participants with practical lessons and techniques to apply immediately.
Facilitated Programmes
A variety of workshops, to help you with the 5 agreements. Our programmes are scaleable according to the size of your organisation. These can range from a ½ day programme in your office, through to a multi-day executive retreat offsite, or an all staff training programme. You choose which professional tools will best suit your people.
Ongoing Support
Follow up to all our programmes to consolidate your progress.
1:1 coaching for your team leaders.
Retain our services through an ongoing partnership of leadership coaching, facilitating workshops, providing resources, and on call support.
Every team
is unique
So is our support
We prioritise understanding your teams. We listen to what’s important for you, your hopes and objectives.
Through close collaboration with you, we will design a customised programme that specifically caters to your unique goals and budget.
It’s important that you feel confident in our service. With our proven approaches, we’re sure we can deliver a helpful experience for your organisation.
Our Toolbox
Our team are accredited in professional tools that you may wish to incorporate. Together we can identify what suits you best.
Heartstyles was founded by Stephen and Mara Klemich and acquired by YUM! in 2020. It is a leadership and team development process offered across 26 languages and in over 70 countries globally. Providing robust 360 feedback, Heartstyles can help teams shift their culture, make more effective decisions, and unlock the potential of those around them.
Outdoor Team Experiences are crafted to break the routine of office life and take you on a journey of rejuvenation, reconnection and discovery. In today's digital age, it's easy to be glued to our screens, especially in hybrid or remote working environments. Many teams miss each other or have never met. By getting outdoors, hitting pause, breathing the fresh air, you can review how you are operating as a team.
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a scientifically developed method, thoroughly tested by the LEGO® Company in cooperation with the IMD Business School in Switzerland. Workshops provide a space to confront the intricate challenges of work and relationships. The LEGO® building material simplifies complex issues: conceptual, organisational, individual, and collective - quickly uncovering real-time insights into your team, and enhancing your understanding of each other’s perspectives.
The 5+1 team agreements leadership course has been developed by Dr Marc Rogatschnig, of Tidal Consulting. The course was put together from over 10000 hours of consulting, observation, research and reading. Very few team leaders are given the opportunity to truly understand and master the fundamentals of team leadership before they are launched into managing a team. This course acts like a license to team leadership, providing you with practical lessons and techniques any leader can immediately apply.
iEQ9 is an advanced psychometric profiling tool based upon the Enneagram framework. It enables participants to understand motivations at a deeper level – both in terms of what we move towards, and the things we avoid. We use this in 1:1 coaching, helping team leaders and members develop self-awareness, maturity and effectiveness.
Let’s talk
Get in touch to schedule a zero expectations call.
Email: hello@uplift-consulting.co.uk
Phone: +447825 631358
“I didn’t really know what to expect going into the programme, but decided to enter with an open mind. Dave curated a safe and jovial atmosphere and encouraged us to share to the extent that we felt comfortable. This allowed us to create genuine connections, share laughs and truths. I learned a lot and I feel more confident after completing the program.”
Rebecca Sagar, Asset Analyst, Yum! Restaurants International Ltd. & Co KG