LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshops provide a secure space to confront the intricate challenges of work and relationships. By dismantling communication barriers, teams can achieve a shared understanding and co-create effective solutions.

Why it works:

  • These three-dimensional models represent complex issues, making concepts tangible. The LEGO® building material simplifies complex issues: conceptual, organisational, individual, and collective. It quickly uncovers real-time insights into your team, and greater understanding of each other’s perspectives.

  • Building complex and difficult issues, helps peopleto overcome common communication blockers. Instead of struggling to truly hear other perspectives, your team will quickly develop a shared understanding that enables them to create effective solutions and outcomes.

  • The process consistently generates purposeful conversations, trust building, and helps teams, in a truly democratic way, to explore ideas and understand the consequences of their aspirations. 

  • This is a scientifically developed and thoroughly tested method, developed by the LEGO® Company in cooperation with leading business professors from IMD Business School in Switzerland.


All of our workshops are designed specifically to your needs, but a team development workshop can reveal:

The core, external and aspirational identity - of each team member and the team.

Team life – how do we perceive the team right now? Where are we headed?

Team connections - how is it all tied together?

Team wisdom - what are the patterns in our perception, and how can we create success in our team?

Team actions – how to develop the team further?

Development plans – for individual team members

Adaption – how do we adapt the knowledge into the real world?


Interested in exploring how LEGO® Serious Play®
can turbocharge your team’s performance?